What I Learned from a Coral Snake
Like everyone these days, I’m dealing with the challenges of coping with the in.san.a.tee that is the Covid Crisis and our government’s lack of response to it.
The distraction of my boat’s arrival was more than welcome, although almost two weeks later, I found myself struggling with a different challenge - Coming to grips with the impending reality of living on a boat.
Was it only two years ago that I woke up in the midst of this impossible dream? Learn to sail. Get a boat. Live on it. (You can read about how it all started here…beginnings.)
The fact that there was a sweet little sailboat sitting in our driveway in Sag Harbor was beyond miraculous! Yet, there she was. I should have been euphoric, instead I was feeling out of sorts.
I know, I know…how does a Coral Snake fit into this?!
Last week while in the house, I went downstairs to use the kitchen. I’ve bounded down those steps all my life and let me assure you, this was the first time I ran into a snake coiled at their foot.
I’m sure I shrieked before slowly backing up to a safe distance. I have no idea how long it took me to formulate a plan to safely get it out of the house but I came up with one and was ecstatic to have a nearby friend to help me implement my idea, (thanks Gabrielle!)
Exciting, yes. Kinda fun while scary at the same time, for sure. But after it was captured, released and we watched as it slithered off into an ‘is that actually far enough away’ leafy, looked-like-a-snake-would-love-it habitat, I was left pondering what the Universe was trying to tell me. Cause a freakin’ gorgeous, poisonous snake in the kitchen just doesn’t happen every day. (I hope!)
Ah, Google…
From Spirit Animal
”The presence of the snake in your life often means that you are in a period of transition and it points to ways (to) promote your personal growth.”
Well, read my beads! That summed up my situation nicely because I'm definitely in the midst of shedding the old skin that was my landlubber self.
I’m just beginning to realize who I need to become to have a shot at successfully navigating this new (to me) living on a boat lifestyle and she's almost entirely different than the person I'd been working toward prior to Kit Kit's arrival 😆
That might explain why so often there’s a small knot of tension in my gut. I have to remind myself to slow down, breathe, breathe some more and release it. Surrender, evidently it's a thing.
So yeah, my nerves are a bit raw and I often find that I crave solitude instead of companionship (well, isn’t that convenient right now?) Chores on the boat give me solace. It occurred to me that living in the house while working on Kit Kit only served to increase my unsettled feeling.
So I moved on board 😲